Tuesday 23 April 2013

Final Skills Audit

AS Media Production: Final Skills Audit Print Production

Photographic Skills
Which of the following photographic features/equipment have you used on a camera before?

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Manual Focus features

I used the manual focus throughout my photo shoot and throughout the different photo’s that I took while developing my skills. I already had a little bit of knowledge on manual focus but I now have a more extensive knowledge. Using manual focus allows me to make sure that my images are sharp and in perfect focus.
Shutter Speed

I used the shutter speed when trying to collect movement. I used a longer shutter speed to try and capture the trails of light when moving a torch around. I then used a shorter shutter speed to capture someone who was in mid run/jump.
Aperture control

I used the aperture setting to take pictures of different items in different field depths. The smaller the aperture, the more of the image is in focus. For example, I took pictures in F22 which mean that the entire image was in focus, but when I went to a larger aperture, less of my image was in focus.
A tripod

While doing my aperture development, I had to use a tripod to make sure that my images were stable. This meant that there would be no motion blur from me moving the camera, as my camera would pick up the slightest movement from me and it would make my picture less sharp and it would not be as clear as I would have, initially, wanted it to be.
External flash

I used an external flash when doing my photo shoot. Instead of using a built in flash, I was able to use the soft boxes. This was beneficial to my photos as I was able to create a soft glow with the images instead of a harsh, bright, light from the camera’s flash.
Self timer facility

I used the self timing facility outside of my media coursework as there was not a lot of need for it in my photo shoot and development skills. We did use the self timer for the aperture; however, we did not use it very much.
Light meter


Composition grids

Photoshop Skills
Which of the following features of Photoshop have you used before?

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Text control

I used text control to make sure that the text I was using on my front cover looked correct. I needed to make sure that I put all of my text in the correct places, make sure that it was the correct colour/size.

I used a filter on my masthead to make it seem as though the text had been torn and worn away. I messed around with several of the different filters to try and create the best effect so I think that I have quite a good knowledge of them, although they would be something I would like to look more into.

I used the different brushes to try and create torn effects of different boxes that I had created, to keep in with the torn and edgy theme that I was trying to create. I used different sizes and styles that I had downloaded from Brusheazy.com

I had to use the layers to make sure that different parts of my images were in the right place and that I could adjust them without having to change anything on any of my other pieces. I used several layers to just create text and boxes on my front cover. I think this was effective as it meant that I could move them around into different places without disturbing the rest of my magazine, had I have done it on one layer, I would not have had this freedom.
Opacity control

I had to use my opacity control to make sure that some of my images/shapes stood out more than others. This was mainly for the boxes that had colour in them. It stopped them being so explicit to the others.
Shape creation

I had to create different shapes to put my text into. The only shape I really used were rectangles to use as text boxes in order to make my text stand out more than what it initially did. I also used circles to put in an image.
Brightness and contrast control

I had to change the brightness on some of my pictures to make sure that they were not too bright and not too dark when I put them into my final piece. This helped with my main image to make sure that I had it the right colouring.


Load selection features




Colour curves adjustment


Resolution setting control


Magnetic lasso, polygon lasso tool

I used the magnetic lasso when I was trying to edit a little bit of my front cover photo. It allowed me to edit just what was inside the field and, if I happened to run over the lines, it helped to ensure that I only edited what I selected to edit.
Cropping tool

I had to crop my main image a little bit, to make sure that I had the right amount of the image showing and the right area showing.
Clone tool

I used the clone tool to make sure that I took out any imperfections in the image. I used it on small blemishes where I could take a sample from one place and use it to cover the image.
Retouch tool

I used the retouch tool to make sure that my entire image was as good as I needed it to be. It enabled me to take out small imperfections, but allowed me to keep control and make sure that my models were still relatable.
Other skills

For my other skills, I learned how to use the layer via cut tool. This was where I selected part of the text in my mast head, using the magnetic lasso, to create a tear in the letter and then layer it on top of the original so that I was free to move it around and change the style of it to give it a slightly more torn effect. It meant that I was able to move each individual piece on the layer without having to move around the rest of the text. This meant that I did not have to worry about the text moving around too much as I controlled where I wanted to put each piece.

In Design Skills
Which of the following features of In Design have you used before?

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Margin and column guide creation

I learned how to create margins on my In Design work. It meant that I was able to control where the page was due to end, so that I did not end up with half of my text missing when it came to being printed.
Inserting an image ID

I learned that I needed to ‘Place’ the image in, In Design in order for my image to be on the actual product.
Resizing images in ID

I found that I needed to use different arrows to change the size of my image. I had to make sure that I used the right arrow in order to make sure that I sized the image properly.
Text manipulation – resizing, rotation


Text manipulation – controlling kerning and leading


Text flow creation


Using transparent imagery in ID


Shape/line creation In design


Exporting to PDF from In-design

I learned that I needed to make sure that I exported my final product to a PDF file so that it could be evaluated.
Text Wrap


Other Skills

Number of new skills achieved:
I have learned 11 more new skills. I have become a lot more experienced with using a camera and photoshop as a result of this course. I have also picked up some new skill in In Design, however, I have not picked up a lot as I found it difficult to operate.