Monday 15 October 2012

Compostition Exercise

 This is a tilt image, it as from a downwards tilt. A downwards tilt usually makes the subject seem less important.I think it worked rather well, however, the eyes are not neccessarily in the top third which makes it lose some of it's effect. The light is coming from the front, which makes it even more effective.

This image is a tilt up image, there is also a slight use of lines which gives a different effect to my other images. I didn't manage to get the eyeline within the top third which loses some of the effect that is supposed to be given by an upward tilt. The lighting comes from the side which is rather effective.

The subject of this photo is within a frame, I think it has worked fairly well, but like the first image; the eye line is not in the top third. There is a slight side lighting on it which looks pretty good, but I feel that if I had managed to get the eye line correct, the piece would be even more effective.

This photo is from an upwards tilt. I have managed to capture the eye line within the top third. The lighting has come from the side and I feel that it looks rather well.

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