Monday 28 January 2013

Depth of Field/Aperture

These images were from testing out the depth of field and the apetures on the camera, using the F numbers. The different numbers determine how much of the image is in focus. The smaller the F number (e.g. F2.8) means that there would be less of the image actually in focus. The focus is on the image in the forground and blurs out the background. The higher the F number (e.g. F20) the more of the image is in focus.

The first image is in F3.5. This has blurred out the majority of the background and kept the clock in focus.

This image was taken in F9. There is more of the image in focus than there was on the previous image, however, the background is still slightly blurred.
My final image was taken in F22 and has the whole of the image in focus.

Bubble Gum and bubbles

I found it difficult to get the images of the bubbles, I don't think I had my shutter speed up high enough as it was difficult to capture the shots that I intended to get, which is why there were not very many images of the bubbles. That and the whether that day was not too good, which meant that it was even harder to focus on the bubbles and take the picture before they blew away. I think this was a good exercise, however, I would have liked to have done it somewhere else and with a bit more time because it was difficult to work with the bubbles.

I think that the bubble gum worked better than the bubbles as it was a lot easier to see and we had a lot more control over it. I think that I should have took more pictures and took them constantly; instead of of just the few that I did take. I think that this worked to create the effect that I was wanting, but it would have been better if I had made sure that that I took more pictures.

Brushes CD Cover

I create the whole of the CD cover using brushes downloaded from As the scenario was to make a CD cover for a band called Natural Heroes, I made sure that I had something to do with natural. This meant that I chose brushes that were shaped like flowers. When I downloaded them, I then made sure that I chose bright and neon colours which would be eye catching and then created the different flowers. I made sure that I put one print of the flower in one colour and then another just off it in a different colour to try and give it a 3D effect to it. The text 'Natural Heroes' was also done by using the brushes that were ment to look like leaves or parts of flowers. I found this difficult do to as it was hard to get the brushes in the righ shape, especially when it came to creating the 'S' on heroes. I think that it was effective and it would have been better if I had a bit more time to amend it.