Monday 28 January 2013

Depth of Field/Aperture

These images were from testing out the depth of field and the apetures on the camera, using the F numbers. The different numbers determine how much of the image is in focus. The smaller the F number (e.g. F2.8) means that there would be less of the image actually in focus. The focus is on the image in the forground and blurs out the background. The higher the F number (e.g. F20) the more of the image is in focus.

The first image is in F3.5. This has blurred out the majority of the background and kept the clock in focus.

This image was taken in F9. There is more of the image in focus than there was on the previous image, however, the background is still slightly blurred.
My final image was taken in F22 and has the whole of the image in focus.

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