Monday 28 January 2013

Bubble Gum and bubbles

I found it difficult to get the images of the bubbles, I don't think I had my shutter speed up high enough as it was difficult to capture the shots that I intended to get, which is why there were not very many images of the bubbles. That and the whether that day was not too good, which meant that it was even harder to focus on the bubbles and take the picture before they blew away. I think this was a good exercise, however, I would have liked to have done it somewhere else and with a bit more time because it was difficult to work with the bubbles.

I think that the bubble gum worked better than the bubbles as it was a lot easier to see and we had a lot more control over it. I think that I should have took more pictures and took them constantly; instead of of just the few that I did take. I think that this worked to create the effect that I was wanting, but it would have been better if I had made sure that that I took more pictures.

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