Monday 18 March 2013

Write Up

In doing my photography I have learned more about the different styles of lighting and which lighting works best for what kinds of shoots. I have found that it is hard to create the exact style that I was aiming to achieve. As I wanted to have my props in focus and my model blurred I thought that this would be fairly easy to achieve; however, I had a lot of difficulty in trying to create this style and I feel that I am, most likely, going to have to re-do my photo shoot in order to try and gain some images that are like what I wanted, or at least something that is effective.

I think that doing my photo shoot first was a good idea. With the pictures that I found were usable, I am more able to lay out my magazine the way I want it and to make sure that it looks professional. In creating my magazine, I have learned how to create new effects with my font and how to create a torn effect in the font. This is a new skill that I have learned if Photoshop and I think that it looks effective. I also found out that I need to have a bold font that will stand out and catch the attention of my target audeince.

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