Monday 25 March 2013

Write Up

After redoing my photo shoot, I found that the layout of my front cover was a lot better. I was able to do more with it, while still being able to show the story in my picture. It also helped my magazine to look like it was more professional. With my new image, I had more of a free run with what I was doing with my magazine; I had more space to use. In my previous front cover, there was not a lot I could do as the image was not very workable. Now, however, I have been able to create a more presentable front cover. 

My front cover has taken a lot of time for me to prepare, which means that I have cut into my time in preparing my DPS. This means that, during this week, I will have to put a lot of effort into making sure that my DPS is up to the same standard that my front cover is, and make sure that it is all complete by the time of my deadline. I think that this will be possible, as I do have a better knowledge of PhotoShop now and I do have a clear idea of how I would like my DPS to look. This means that it should be possible for me to create my DPS and front cover and make sure that they are both up to a high standard. 

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