Monday 18 March 2013

Write Up

I have found that I will need to retake my photos as the photos that I originally took are too hard to work with. I thought I would be able to work with them, but when it came to putting them on my front cover, I had increased difficulty to arrange my front cover with the pictures I had taken, I will still be able to do my magazine layout, however I will have to make sure I take a lot of pictures, in varied styles to make sure that I do not have to retake anymore pictures as this will cut into my time even more.

I think that the layout of my magazine e.g. the sell lines have worked well. They look effective and my peers seem to agree that they work well. To begin with I had a slight problem with the colours I was using as they did not look too well and it all seemed to be a little bit messy but I managed to change them and to make them look more effective by sticking to just two colours that I wanted to use. I kept the red and white theme for my sell lines and as they complimented each other and worked well to give the intended effect. Throughout my magazine I will need to make sure that these colours are consistent on both my front cover and my double page spread. 

I am happy with the way that my front cover is coming together, I think that once I get a new image for my front cover and possible some new images for my DPS, my magazine will look a lot more professional and effective than it would with the images I currently have. I would like to be able to make sure that I have a professional looking magazine as I have put a lot of time into trying to make my front cover workable and as professional looking as I can make it. Once I have some new images I will be able to construct my magazine and put all of the final touches to it. Also, with my new images I may have to change the layout of my front cover, if things do not fit properly. This is still going to be easier than having to start my magazine from scratch.

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